
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


How do you  handle bad news? Some people like to tell the world to get lots of sympathy. Some people share with trusted friends or family that will honour their feelings and keep information confidential. I like to take the news and keep it close to my chest until I feel like sharing and if I do. In my job, I hear bad news all the time. Patients are experiencing many life changes. So being available for them and counselling around their feelings and giving support is part of what I do. Knowing too much can be difficult to handle at times. So finding ways to redirect the energy with positive activities and interactions are part of what I do. Compartmentalizing really helps. Concentrating on the task at hand then going on to the next one. Trying not to dwell on any one thing too long. When it comes to family, my energy triples for them. I decided many years ago not to give the best of me to others, strangers and colleagues but to save it for the ones I love. So when bad news strikes close to home, it does make matters worse but is also manageable. I can be helpful, keep it confidential and contain my energy. Of course the bad news of the world can be shared collectively as one discusses politics and tragedies with others. Bad news is part of our lives. It can arrive without warning. It can kick us in the gut. Even make us cry! Does it make us stronger? Not necessarily. Some events change our lives forever. Survival happens but at a cost. So if you are receiving bad news today- hug a friend, family or even your dog. Finds ways to process the event. Life is full of bad news. But it can be full of good news too!!

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