
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, August 19, 2016


Okay everyone procrastinates sometimes on something. Pushing past the urge to leave something and not do it takes dedication. Some tasks are really boring so it makes sense that the energy is not there. So divide the task into parts and complete each part in a timely fashion. For me it is typing information over again. Yes there are saved files but often it is easier to print a draft, review and redo. Forcing oneself to get things done is the best rule. At work it is another story, always start with the toughest case, chart and go to the next one. Or see all my people then chart at one time. Electronic charting is great because cases from different floors can be charted on one computer- just go to the individual floors in the computer find the person and chart. At home the genealogy stuff is my nemesis right now. Love research and finding the information. Writing up the stories because it is methodical is the tiring part. Thinking I have all the details then realizing I need the exact resource citation takes time and is the boring part. There is the realization that some information has been taken as gospel, need to prove the detail. Nice weather calls me outside to read and cat nap in the shade. So being inside in my computer room plugging away can be difficult. The more I get done the less to be done in busy September! But then summer reading was on my agenda so I have not really procrastinated there. So maybe that's the real trick- just find something enjoyable and easy to do- voila- no procrastination! How is your troubles with procrastination going? What is your solution to the age old problem?

1 comment:

  1. I'll get around to fixing my procrastination problem, someday, maybe ...
