
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


As North America continues to experience winter, some areas are harder hit than others. The blizzard of the year is slamming parts of the Eastern Seaboard as I write. Even though downgraded, it will be a big blast before it is over. Hopefully with the closures of roads and schools and businesses for a day, there will be less harm done. The emergency crews can clear the roads. If hydro is out, those crews can be working to restore it. Emergency preparedness is now part of our conscienceness. Charge your cell phones, buy water, have batteries, gas up your car- well you know the drill. Amazing how weather continues to effect our lives. No matter what the technology we have, Mother Nature rules. Which brings me to a point? Depending on technology is not a good thing. GPS is great but it still helps to know how to read a map. Texting is okay but picking up a phone or actually going and seeing someone talking face to face is good too. Having electrical appliances are fine but make sure there are ones that can be manually used. Campers usually have equipment in their homes that can be used in emergency. Backyard barbecues always come in handy. Wood burning stoves or fireplaces are more than decorations. Some people use the garden solar lights in an emergency for lights at night. No matter how prepared we want to be, emergency situations do bring a sense of concern and anxiety. Some people have to report to work regardless of the situation. So next time you have a day off due to weather, think of the emergency crews out there working on your behalf.

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