
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 I saw the movie It Ends With Us when it was first released.

Poignant about Domestic Violence.

The abuser in the film was a professional man- a doctor. It reminded me of the back doctor here in the GTA who abused then murdered his wife and stuffed her in a suitcase throwing her in the Humber River.

There is some drama about a conflict between the director- Justin Baldoni who also starred in the film and Blake Lively- Producer who also starred in the film. Creative differences.

Some women have become haters of Blake who marketed the film too lightly. 

Brandon Sklenar who starred in the film wrote on his Instagram about being kind and gave some insight to all the drama. He had a friend who found hope from the film. He has been judged too for being in promotion photos with other cast members.

Folks get over yourself. It is promotion. He starred in the film

The book was written by Colleen Hoover and had been a best seller years ago.

She posed in promotion photos as well.

Folks. It is a film. Fiction. Not a documentary. There can be some poetic license with films.

When I saw the movie the audiences was mostly full of young women. There may be a woman who took away from the film to get away from her abuser.

I would recommend It Ends With Us to others to see it.

I would see it again with a family member or a friend.

If a film on war is marketed, the promoters are allowed to smile and talk about the film. Films are marketed all the time. 

To hate Blake because she made it too girly, so what. Judge the film on its merits not how you think it should be marketed.

It has done well at the Box Office. It has reached the market it needs to reach.

For me, it never seems to amaze me how judgey women are against other women. 

Jealousy maybe is the root cause. Hard to say.

A film. Not someone's life story. But a film and a fictional story with a good message.


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