
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, October 3, 2014


October is a good month. Time for Thanks with Thanksgiving around the corner. Garden cleanup and bags of yard waste to the curb. Some Fall cleaning with donations to charities of clothes and other household items. Hoping for those wonderful Indian Summer days. The markets have the Fall vegetables like apples, squash and lots of pumpkins for pies and Halloween. Continuing with projects and starting some new ones. The indoors needs lots of attention because the outdoors always is so much work. Finding all those little and big dust bunnies in the house to clean. Organize for the busy days ahead. You know the C word!! Taking time to babysit the grandchildren to help those working daughters and spouses- giving them a little break. Planning and doing activities methodically gives an ebb and flow to life. Putting simple, ordinary activities in my life, well gives me a life. Yes, I put work in between all of this. These home projects keep me sane. When work is exhausting and emotionally draining, the simple projects bring some peace to my life. At this stage of my life, I am looking to what legacy do I want to leave my family and this world. So working on different projects, step by step, it comes together. The legacy does not have to huge. So in your life, what gives you a life? Are you trying to find a legacy to give the world? Have you already contributed something and feel good about it? Why not use the month of October- in between summer and Christmas to reflect, review and renew!!

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