
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Enjoying the Fall cleanup! Yes! Before we need it, the yard will be winter ready and just need to concentrate on indoor activities. More reading. Hand crafts. Organizing all the written projects like the family history binders. Checking out the best digital and computer program to organize online. I had a program years ago but did not understand it very well. With the change of computers, perhaps it is time to revisit it. The tedious task is inputting all the details- one person at a time. Never liked being a data entry clerk!! There is something pleasurable about revisiting the correspondence over the years from fellow family historians in hard copy form. Hard to squeeze all the work compiled  in single names on paper! Genealogy entails the whole story about a person and family not just the bare details. Like my cousin Roy who years ago provided information on his speciality- bugs and all the writings he had done. The information adds depth to the family's story. See- more than just a birth date and location.  So with one methodical project put to rest, the reorganization of the family history binders will begin. Of course, buying pretty coloured binders for the job was fun too. One of my goals is to write short articles for each of the genealogical societies where my family roots are located. So far 2 out of 8 are done. Unlike this blog that is easy and breezy to write- genealogical articles must be precise information, dates correct and the sources of all information must be cited. Some people believe those ads- just type in a name and your family history will emerge. Actually it is more like detective work. However if you are lucky, there is someone in the family that will do it for you. So the computer and sending files by email will take the work away! Eventually! Not today! Photocopying pages for interested parties is time consuming and expensive!! So one family line at a time will be scrutinized and reviewed. All the good tidbits and stories will be saved too! Like family letters written in a person's handwriting are so endearing. What are your plans now that the Fall cleanup is almost behind you? Do you have winter projects planned?

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