
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Being well stocked with household items is a Canadian tradition. Preparing for the cold with lots of supplies like the pioneers who made sure the wood shed was full of logs for those winter fireplaces. In modern times, we are told to have many emergency items in the home like batteries, a flashlight, bottled water and it would even help to have some cash in case the bank machines are done. There is a logic to emergency preparedness. However every situation can not be anticipated. Just having the essentials to survive may or may not be enough. Natural events surprise us. A summer storm could create a flooded basement on a quiet street away from any river. Winds any time of the year from any kind of storm may bring damage. Years ago we had a wind storm that bent my wooden fence in the backyard. Strange, eh! Emergencies make us react quickly! The impact can leave emotional scars that may heal or not! Life can have many times where the unexpected happens! To try to be prepared for everything is not real. Having insurance helps! Getting our flu vaccine every Fall to try to fend off the flu. Finding the balance between living for now and preparing for the future can be disconcerting! So a home with  supplies for many seasons may be the answer. How do you prepare for the "unexpected" events in your life? What emergency stocks do you keep?

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