
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Children need the stability of a family group. Parents are the most important but extended family that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins bring depth to life. Sometimes family friends are more like family than real family so those relationships are vital too. Exposing children to many generations illustrates the circle of life to them. Knowing they have a place in a family group. Oh yes there can be dysfunctional members or the whole family can seem dysfunctional but it is a base to begin. Children can grow up and leave the family if wanted. If you want your children or grandchildren to want to be around you than be a parent or grandparent that understands your own needs not displacing them on others. Knowing yourself and feeling comfortable in our own skin can help others want to be around you. Children like most of us need unconditional love. They do not have to be smart or even beautiful but the fact they are in our lives can bring joy. Be the family member to whom  children want to tell their stories. Want to show their art work! Want to be around! The small simple activities bring the lifetime of memories. In my life, Saturday night was card night for my folks and one of my favourite people-my Uncle Norman or Unc as he started to be called-along with my Auntie Lynne. They would play cards, argue, laugh and well a simple time. Coffee and snacks! I usually did my homework or watched an old movie on TV. There was a good feeling in the house. A simple memory but a good one! So don't be afraid to do less rather than more with the children. Even last Saturday, my precious granddaughter watched the movie Grease for the first time with me. It was joyful watching her experience with a classic musical! So old can be new again! Creating a positive family group does take effort but it is worth a life time of happiness or sometimes dysfunction! But it is your family-warts and all!

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