
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 Widows and even widowers happen in families.

Nonna Marie- 3 children and lost her husband in World War One. Had to live with in-laws then son and daughter-in-law

Widowers- Reed lost Claudia and cousin Tim lost Linda

Mama/Concetta cared for Joe with ALS for 7 years before he died in 1974 when she was was 53.

Nonna Adelina lost her husband in World War Two- Rita doesn't have any photos. I just have the one.

Auntie Lynne lost Uncle Norman in 1978.

Auntie Bernice lost Elmer in 1987. Found out the day I was having my first party in the house- Halloween.

Elizabeth Maude lost Patrick when she was pregnant with Ina

Being left without a spouse and how someone survives.

New job, living with family members.

Ward Ellis dies then Emeline on her own. Lived with family members.

Gammie- Elizabeth Anne- lost Charles W in 1942 so a widow- 16 years before her death- then her daughter, then her son-in-law

How old was she when Charles died?

I need to add more to these stories but wanted to publish this post so it would not be lost in my thread.


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