
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, May 22, 2015


Sharing is an interesting concept. We encourage children to share. We all hear our mothers' voices about sharing. Is it compassionate? Yet it is hard to do without some thought. Everyone needs their personal space. their own bed. Their favourite chair. Just have a visitor to the house, work or your favourite coffee shop and someone sits in your spot. Even though a sharing person- there is a bit of an edge. Oh you are in my spot. Not just Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory. He just personifies the whole idea. Fences make good neighbours because the territory is clear. My side, your side. My little visitors to my house go everywhere. They get into everything so learning to share differently again has been learning. If we have a lot we are supposed to share with others. The rich countries should share with the poorer countries. Lunch programs encourage students not to put their portions of lunch in the garbage but to share with others. The older sibling has to share with the little one! Fights can ensue! If I earned it, why do I have to share it! Let the other person work for it too! Sharing means caring or does it! It does teach us about looking outside of ourselves. Do I have too much and can share with others? What do you think? Do you want to share your thoughts?

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