
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


November-the month to finish outdoors raking and really say good-bye to the garden before the snow flies. Time to make the garage ready for the car over the next few months. No need to scrap ice off the windows making the start to the day shorter. Time to get rid of the stuff that went from the basement to the front hall to the garage. Even walked to the mall yesterday in my new Sorel winter boots- waterproof and all. Since I walk in the winter decided to invest in a good pair of boots. So they were comfortable and no aching feet afterwards. It is good to walk to a mall- can only buy what can be carried home. Two birthdays to celebrate this month so there will be cake. Yes I even resisted buying Halloween candy that was on sale at Shoppers. With all the little chocolate bars and other goodies available last week at work, I do not think I can look those candies in the eyes! Well if they had eyes. Time to cut back and make room for good eating near Christmas. With the outdoor raking of leaves and garage cleaning, it was enough exercise for a Sunday. My intentions to do some computer work and other indoor activities were put on hold for a much deserved Sunday nap! Preparation for the work week is about all I could muster. So November the darker month- less sunlight which can be depressing for many people. So turn on some lights and read a book or phone a friend. Yes, Christmas preparations will begin with hanging outdoor lights in a couple of weeks, buying presents gradually especially with many sales that will start, of course the wonderful online shopping and a special theme for this Christmas that family members may like or  not. November without all the pressure of September and December. A little breather so to speak. For many Canadians looking forward to the outdoor sports when the snow flies. Or it is just another month!

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