
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Towering above the crowd in height or intellect takes some humble thinking. When looking down it is important not to offend anyone intentionally. Often in life, one can offend without even knowing it has occurred. One's use of language and use of big words can offend. Caring about one's appearance can offend someone who is not so meticulous. Knowing stuff like history or geography or political views can offend. So how to live a life without offending. Well, it is not your problem. Being who you are is more important. Life can brings people to you that will be offended by you just because!! You are the wrong height, nationality, sex, from the city and not the country- well you get the picture. Trying to please everyone just doesn't work. Be prepared- yes there will be people that will not like you for no reason!! Their reason, but you will never get it. To have lots of acquaintances but few friends is what works for me. Do I get offended by others- you bet! But it is my problem and my task to examine why! We all can be triggered by issues buried deep inside us. Perhaps from childhood, work experiences, life experiences! What we do with them, shows our maturity and wisdom! The wise person accepts that life can be very complicated and yet simple simultaneously! So feeling tall or feeling small can occur daily! What do you think? Do you acknowledge when you have been offended? Do you blame the other person? Do you self-reflect? Do you just pour yourself a coffee and sigh- oh well? That's life!

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