
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


I actually woke up at 5 am this morning and began this one day project. I just hope my little camcorder I accidentally programmed in Korean and not English is doing okay. I did the day in the life of the world May 15, 2010. The pictures that were selected were varied and basic. So my life is quite basic so filming Adolph and me during the normal basic things on a Saturday. Do an audio of why you love Canada, any fears about the future. You can make yours fancy and creative if you want. The instructions at the CTV website are easy to follow. Film your day and go to the website that tells where to submit. We all have until the middle of October. I am sure photo enthusiasts are doing this anyway. But if not you have until midnight to finish. The goal is to capture the lives of Canadians and some videos will be selected for the documentary around the date of the 150th anniversary of Confederation, I guess next July 2017. The chances of mine being selected are remote but apparently all submissions will be put somewhere for future use. I know my 2010 picture submitted can be retrieved at their website. So film yourself and who you are Canadians. Tell your little story.

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