
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Reflecting on life today, the image of treading water came to light. It seems much of life can be tasks to keep going. To keep afloat! Some think financially! Emotionally! Socially! There are high waves, rough waters and sometimes a calm sea! Our boat can float, rock in the waves or if overturned hanging on saves a life. Treading water by keeping our legs to our chest and our head held high so breathing happens. Each breath an opportunity to live! The life jacket! Keeps us floating! If orange visible to the rescuers!
Each life jacket containing what is needed to live- family, work, opportunities but mostly hope survival will occur. Hope for a better day or just another day! I pictured myself treading water today. I saw my head bobbing and breathing! Not fearful but calm. Somehow knowing life does go on! Keeping faith in God that a rescue, a solution, a creative thought, a loving family, work-meaningful whether paid, vocational, interests-, and smelling the roses or whatever flowers are available are part of my life jacket. So what's in your life jacket? What keeps you floating? Perhaps keep an extra one handy to give to someone around you that may need a rescue!

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