
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


So the kids are to camp, to the park and riding their bikes or doing what kids do. Often, parents hear-I am bored! Structure helps but it is not school. Helping children to self entertain with activities is good learning. If nothing else, when the boredom word surfaces, tell them to clean their rooms! However, keeping those momentos and taking lots of pictures, encourage the family to do a family memory project. A large collage of items to hang! A binder with plastic pages to organize the "stuff". Yes I know the pictures can go in the cloud, stay on the computer but why not print a few for the family memory book. Used to call it an album! Of course there are fun photo books to be made, online videos etc. Encouraging the children and teenagers to pick items for the Summer of 2015 may be met initially with rolled eyes and resistance but just doing it may be the favourite thing that comes out at Christmas for the family to view. I say this because doing one of my last visits to my parents, my niece Vanessa had made a wonderful summer album for my parents with narrative paragraphs of what they had been doing. A wonderful little story of one summer in the life of her family! Pick a theme. It could be one day of the summer. Things we ate! Places we visited! Well the themes are endless! I know I hear it all the time that " I don't print pictures anymore!" But will the internet file always exist- who knows. I believe in diversifying and having information in several places. Even though my girls have their own system, I still print them pictures from my stash of pictures for them to have some hard copies. My grandchildren enjoy them! So what memories do you want to make for your family? I think mine will be the Pan Am game events. I might try my first photo book.

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