
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 12, 2014


As the weather has played havoc across the country this week, Christmas preparations continue. One concert cancelled due to weather and rescheduled for next week. Needing to shovel the driveway was some needed exercise. Relatives on both coasts are dealing with flooding along with snow. At least it looks like Christmas. For me, wrapping is coming along very slowly. Trying to do 3-6 each night so the mess in 1/2 of my bedroom will be reduced. Some cards via snail mail and a newsletter via email have arrived and are in my Stocking Christmas card holder by the family room. My Christmas tree is nicely decorated so am enjoying the lights while I eat dinner and watch the news. Some sad news- a sister of my Dad's passed away October 2nd. The family had not informed us until they received my Christmas card to her. Another good reason to keep in touch this time of year!  Next week will bring two grandchildren's concerts and some babysitting. Cleaning up my desk at work between cases as I will take some vacation days the week of Christmas to help with babysitting and well some Christmas crafts and baking with the grandchildren.
Lots of hands on items for them to have some fun. Not too sophisticated as children need unbreakable things and books to read.
With the CDs and one being a children's special in the CD player, there will be music and singing in the house.  I am always glad I do things so early in the season as the season is exhausting with all the hoopla and activities. Looking forward to knitting and crocheting by the Christmas tree once the wrapping is done. Oh yeah, the house could use a good cleaning as the dust bunnies are crying- clean me!!

Of course if there is time to visit quaint settings and stores, the lights and decorations are so beautiful. Wish I could return to St. Jacobs town as it like other little places across the country give such a Canadian look to everything. The snow makes the children laugh. The library up the street from my house has a hill. Yesterday while everyone was cursing the snow and the drive, one could hear children sledding down it- laughing with glee! Oh Christmas- two weeks to go!

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