
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Personal goals have meaning to the individual. Sometimes the most simple things in life bring the deepest sense of fulfillment. Sometimes still standing on one's own two feet really helps. Taking up new interests and hobbies that were wished for years makes people happy. An idea in August that will play out at Christmas for some family members. Or revisiting a hobby and organizing it to determine its value can bring joy. My September and October was such an endeavor with labour intensive love attached.  A friend of mine took up running and ran her first marathon. Proud of her efforts in her 60s! A cousin takes amazing photos of his interest- nature and other misc. items he finds in his environment. A daughter who wakes at 430 am every day and runs on her treadmill to stay in shape before her busy day. The important aspect is not to compare with others. Rarely do I share my interests at work, for example. Have I ever become tired of hearing- well I don't have time for that! If  the activities I love to do are not of interest to anyone else they are kept close to my chest. So not sharing means what I do does not get put down by small minded people. Staying positive means keeping the toxic people away! Or your children are out of the home so you can not be as busy as I am!! Try being a grandparent!  Who really cares what someone's busy entails? Is your busy meeting your personal goals? If one has a health issue, sometimes the goal is to make it through the day doing one or two things. So I wrote my Christmas newsletter. Not too many exciting things on it. But lots was left off as the negative parts of my life do not get shared with the world. One of my personal goals is to keep focusing on the positive and getting through adversity!  Another goal is to listen truly to others around me. Act as if I care about them and you know what happens a friendship, a connection is made. When someone shares, keep it confidential! Let the person know their life has value too. Goals can have layers and sub-layers. Achieving them can take a lifetime or a week or a day. Lifetime changes take courage. Downsizing goals! New job search goals! Having another child goals! Life can be full of goals to be achieved! Or living each day with little, simple daily goals. One of my daily goals is to do something kind to others. Something as simple as pressing the button for the light to change so the cars coming out of the townhouse unit don't have to wait as long. Sometimes my kindness is keeping my mouth shut and not telling the person what I really think as it would be hurtful!  Of course, writing, writing, writing- you should see the little notes to self so I remember to write the thoughts down later. This blog has been such a personal goal. To try to think about what to write every day is a challenge!! So do you have personal goals? Do you share with others?
A path to somewhere! Or needing to cross the bridge to get to the other side?? Personal goals!

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