
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Having an amazing Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, the real Thanksgiving day, i.e. the Monday is a good day to eat leftovers and putter. A day off from work is always enjoyable. Just being thankful to be home and doing my own stuff at my own pace. Long weekends make for shorter work weeks. So there is the added bonus of being closer to the next weekend. Work is good but time to regroup energy and finish some home projects is good too. Enjoying the family is so high on my list that it is hard to wait for the next time to see my children and families. Thinking about being thankful always conjures up memories. Thanksgiving past with family comes to mind. A different set of family members but the feeling and tradition permeates to this modern time. Do you ever find the smell of turkey cooking to be so pleasurable? Pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Butter tarts or lemon tarts. Sitting around a dining room or kitchen table eating together! Laughing and talking! Along with the eating are the thoughts of missing those no longer with us! So being thankful they were in our lives in the first place. So holidays can bring some melancholy thoughts too. How about you? Do you find yourself thinking of others? Do you miss someone today? Raise a glass and give a toast to life!

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