
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Children test our patience constantly. To be calm and able to listen takes more than Job ever expected of us. Children have selective listening. They know how to tune out better than most adults. Of course, if there is something they are not supposed to hear they will. A 3 hour activity should wear us down. Come home and chill, have a quiet time. Nope-children seem reeved for the next event. Adults can insist to stop-read, watch a movie, draw a picture or take a nap! Putting a child in a spot where an impromptu nap happens is a good strategy thus causing quiet for awhile. Children get cranky when tired but will not admit they need to rest! Insisting on down time after an outing is a good way for a family to regroup. The adults sure need it! Having my grandchildren for a couple of days teaches this Nana to find ways to regroup and reclaim her energy. Quiet times work and if a little nap occurs so be it.

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